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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Apple is against Wikileaks app, But Google keeps it

Apple has joined a growing number of U.S. companies ,who have cut ties with Wikileaks to withdraw the request for their store, in short words the wikileaks is the application which gives access to users important content from the SECRET GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS.

But Google, which operates the second largest online store for mobile applications, has kept more than half a dozen applications of wikileaks available for Android Market, it will be easier access to confidential government documents in U. S. published on wikileaks website.

Some applications provide direct access to the Wikileaks on Android cables, and one even alerts users when new documents are exempt from Wikileaks web site.

During recent weeks, Inc, Bank of America withdrew services companies from Wikileaks, which shocked the U.S. authorities by releasing thousands of confidential State Department cable.

But the backlash against the organizations brought down the site, online activists have targeted companies - such as Visa Inc. - becoming as enemies of Wikileaks. The Founder of the site, Julian Assange, was released on bail last week from prison in Britain, where he is fighting extradition in Sweden during the sexual assaults.

"Is it reasonable that Apple might be a target? Course," said John Bumgarner, Chief Technology Officer of unity.

App Wikileaks, which was created by entrepreneur Igor Barinov, and suggested price of $ 1.99, was only available on Apple App Store a few days before he took it off from the App store.

"We removed that App from the App Store, because it violated our developers guide" Apple said in a statement released on Wednesday. "Apps must comply with local laws and can make individual or group on the target at risk."

Due to this may internet Expert tweeted as” This is exactly why I never would have bought IOS device," referring IOS operating system that runs the popular iPhone and ipad

Attorney General Eric Holder, said that he intends to use the U. S. Espionage Act, which makes it illegal to obtain national security information to harm the United States, as well as other laws of the government to investigate the disclosure of sensitive information available on Wikileaks.

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